Ylva started telling stories at a viking house with norse mythology on her tongue in 1998. Since then she has told stories in a multitude of settings, but mostly in gymnastic halls full of school children all over Norway.
Ylva loves fairytales, myths and wisdom stories. She also loves telling and listening to intuitive improvised stories, where fresh colorful pictures from the inner realm present itself in the moment and take shape of magical creatures, landscapes and daring quests.
Ylva also combines storytelling with music and aims for a musical storytelling style where music and story becomes one musical mythical expression.
Photo: Ida Oppen, from "the Skyskraper princess", a storytelling performance at the Norwegian storyteller festival in 2010.
Video from Sigurd Fåvnesbane, FabelAkt.
Video from Sigurd Fåvnesbane, FabelAkt.